
About relationship between germanium concentration and the content of toxic elements and total sulfur in the coal seam c8h of the Dniprovska mine

V. Ishkov1,2, Ye. Kozii1, O. Chernobuk3, M. Kozar4, O. Dreshpak1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Polіakov of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 Georgian Manganese, Tbilisi, Georgia

4M.P. Semenenko Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Ore Formation of the NAS of Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:145-159


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Purpose. To establish and analyze the relationship between the concentrations of germanium and toxic elements and the sulfur content of the general coal seam с8нof the Dniprovska mine.

Methodology. The factual basis of the work was the results of 370 analyzes of germanium, beryllium, fluorine, mercury and arsenic and total sulfur in the central certified laboratories of production geological exploration organizations of Ukraine from the material of reservoir samples obtained by production and research enterprises and organizations. Ge content was determined by quantitative emission spectral analysis. The quality of the results of the analyzes (correctness and reproducibility) was evaluated as the significance of the mean systematic error, which was tested using the Student's criterion, and the significance of the mean random error, which was tested using the Fisher criterion. At the initial stage of primary geochemical information processing, the values of the main descriptive statistical indicators were calculated using the STATISTICA 13.3 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22 programs, the frequency histograms of Ge content and reservoir thickness were constructed, and the characteristics of the distribution of these parameters were established. To achieve the goal set in the work, in the research process, correlation and regression analysis was carried out using the methods implemented in the most popular professional statistical software platforms "STATISTICA" and "SPSS" and their analysis was performed in geological terms.

Findigs. In the work, the regularities of the relationship between the concentration of germanium and the content of toxic elements and total sulfur in the coal seam с8нof the Dniprovska mine are established. Inherent to the considered impurity elements, the general diverse form of their presence in coal allows us to treat the regularities established with the help of correlation and regression analysis as a kind of trend of dependencies between them, which was realized in the specific geological conditions of the с8нseam of the Dniprovska mine.

Scientific novelty. It consists in establishing the non-compliance of the samples of all considered elements with the normal or lognormal distribution law, while in all cases the polymodality of the distribution of indicators is recorded, which is confirmed by analytical calculations of the correspondence of the empirical distributions of the studied parameters of the Gaussian distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Shapiro-Wilk, Lilliefors criteria and Pearson's хі-square agreement.

Practical significance. It consists in the fact that for a more realistic assessment of the central tendency of the content of Ge and toxic elements and total sulfur, it is necessary to use the median values instead of the values of the arithmetic mean. It was established that there is a very low correlation between the concentrations of germanium and toxic elements and total sulfur, therefore, the extraction of germanium from the coal seam will not be accompanied by their significant accumulation during technological processes.

Keywords: toxic elements, germanium, sulfur, coal seam, regression analysis, cluster analysis, distribution histogram, normalized content.


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