
To management of the properties of materials for the subsequent optimization of life cycles of products

S. Kovalevskyy1, O. Kovalevska1, D. Sydiuk1

1Donbas State Engineering Academy, Kramatorsk, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:194-202


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Objective. The aim of the study is to establish the possibility of recognizing the characteristics of the internal state and confirm the influence of atomic or molecular bonds on the change of certain indicators of physical and mechanical properties of non-magnetic metallic (aluminum, copper) and non-metallic (polymeric) materials.

Methods. The research is carried out on the basis of magnetic resonance using neodymium magnets and electric current modulated by white noise signal, as well as with the help of two neodymium magnets.

Results. When using neodymium magnets and electric current modulated by a white noise signal in the range of 15-20000 Hz to create the effect of magnetic resonance for non-magnetic metallic materials, an increase in strength is observed until peak values are reached with a gradual decrease to the average value. The interaction of magnetic fields of neodymium magnet and electric current occurs in the body of samples at subcrystalline and subatomic levels. Therefore, this effect is explained by the fact that as a result of vibrations in the material there is a compaction of dislocations. At the moment of change of rest friction to sliding friction, the dislocation accumulation barrier is destroyed, after which the process is repeated again. When two neodymium magnets are used to create the effect of magnetic resonance for textolite and Plexiglas, i.e. for a group of non-metallic materials, the theory of a simultaneous decrease in entropy in the form of an increase in orderliness, namely the orderliness of domains and compaction of dislocations, with an increase in strength is confirmed. The influence of magnetic resonance treatment on changes occurring at the atomic and molecular level in polymeric materials is confirmed.

Scientific novelty. The established dependences indicate a connection between the strengthening of the material and the improvement of the quality of its structure: ordering of domains and compaction of dislocations created by magnetic resonance.

Practical significance. The obtained data give grounds for the development of a complex method of influence on a number of parameters of physical and mechanical properties using magnetic resonance based on neodymium magnets for influence and the possibility of predicting the life cycle.

Keywords: life cycle of products, control of material properties, nanoamplitude oscillations, homogeneous magnetic field, resonance of experimental samples, magnetic resonance processing of materials.


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