
System approach in optimal management problems for two-stage technological lines

I. Novitskyi 1, V. Sliesariev1, Y. Shevchenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:211-216


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Purpose of work is to research and design process optimization and optimal operational management for a two-stage technological line.

Methodology. To achieve the goal, we apply a comprehensive approach, which consists of the formalization and analysis of operational management tasks and technological lines designing.The methods of probability theory are used to determine the optimal level between the maximum bandwidths of the stages of the technological lines and for processing mathematical models of random variables.

Research results. The need for a system-wide approach to the management of two-stage technological lines is substantiated, which involves joint consideration of design and operational management tasks. Three optimization problems are considered, which differ in their formulation by initial data, goals and optimization parameters.This is the problem of design optimization when creating equipment, the problem of optimal design of technological schemes and the problem of optimal operational control.These three types of tasks must be considered comprehensively, in mutual connection to achieve a global optimum in terms of the economic criterion.The formalization of such a complex problem for two-stage technological schemes was carried out in a general form and approaches to its solution. The methodology for solving such problems is proposed, based on information about the specific consumption of the resource and the characteristics of the flow of the processed material.

Scientific novelty. The formulation of the complex optimization problem for the functioning of two-stage technological lines, including the choice of the equipment and a type of operational management, and a solving approach for the considered problem was provided.

Practical significance of work results. The proposed approach makes it possible to find the optimal solution to the problem of management and design of two-stage technological lines from the point of view of the economic criterion.

Keywords: system approach, two-stage technological line, optimal management, specific operation cost, methodology, comprehensive approach, complex task.


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