
Features of mechanical processing of wear-resistant cast iron

V. Derbaba1, S. Patsera1, V. Hryhorenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2022, 71:217-230


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Purpose. The solution of the scientific and technical problem related to the technological support of high-performance mechanical processing of wear-resistant cast irons by optimizing and managing their machinability with a tool made of polycrystalline superhard materials.

The methods. The methodological basis of the work is a systematic approach and analysis of the object of research, which is based on the use of: a graph-analytical research method with the aim of establishing a systematic relationship between turning parameters and the properties of the processed material, the geometry of the tool and its stability, wear of the cutting part and the method of standard measurements.

Findings. Received research formulas for a scientifically based approach to solving the technical problem of high-performance processing of parts from wear-resistant grades of cast iron, containing a set of mathematical models and algorithms for predicting their machinability while ensuring the reliability of cutting tools from superhard materials. The obtained results were compared with well-known works related to the research of the processes of mechanical processing of hardened grades of steel, cast iron, the assessment of the reliability of cutting tools, the accuracy and roughness of the machined surface, the results of measurements of the power parameters of cutting. The maximum relative measurement error did not exceed 10-12%.

The originality. Establishing a complete and systematic connection of processing parameters with the properties of the processed material, the geometry of the tool and the reliability of its operation. In the mathematical and statistical processing of experimental data, which made it possible for the first time to obtain complex dependencies in a form convenient for calculation and analysis, which give a clear idea of the influence of each parameter of the turning process on its energy indicators. Determining the stability of a tool made of super-strong materials with a variable amount of wear.

Practical implementation. It consists in the selection and substantiation of the material, the optimal geometric parameters of cutting tools, the establishment of the nature of the influence of the processing conditions of wear-resistant cast iron on the main indicators of the process – the stability of the cutting tool and cutting modes depending on the hardness of the material. Development of technical limitations for the calculation of the main machinability indicators and optimization of technological operations of processing wear-resistant cast iron with a cutting tool made of superhard composite materials.

Keywords: turning, machine tool, cast iron, tool material, wear, stability, cutting tool, cutting modes.


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