
The justification for using mobile crushing and screening plants in quarrying industrial minerals

B. Sobko1, L. Hrytsenko1, V. Kriachek1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:7-15


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Purpose. Industrial minerals mining technology justification using mobile crushing and screening plants.

Methodology. Analytical, statistical, graph analytical methods and experimental research were used on working quarries.

Findings. The research made it possible to establish the influence of the migmatites mining technology by mobile equipment on the capacity of the extraction-loading and transport equipment. The following conclusions can be made based on the studies of the complex influence of the factors of the industrial minerals mining technology by mobile equipment on the example of the Odarivsky deposit of migmatites. Using mobile crushing and screening equipment located in the quarry allows for increasing Excavator Productivity for loading crushers' hopper at 16.7% compared to the loading in haulers and increases the productivity of haulers at an average of 25% compared to the cyclic technology in which the crushing and screening equipment is located on the surface, and haulers carry out the transportation of raw material from the quarry. The increase in the productivity of mining transport equipment is achieved due to the absence of downtime of the excavator while waiting for haulers and the maximum use of the vehicle's load when transporting finished crushed stone products with a high bulk density.

Originality consists in establishing the peculiarities of industrial minerals mining and establishing the dependences of changes in the productivity of mining transport equipment when using mobile crushing and screening equipment directly on the working sites of the quarry.

Practical value. The results of the research made it possible to justify the complex mechanization of the cyclic technology of raw material extraction with the use of mobile crushing and screening equipment for the application in Odarivsk migmatite deposit, which increases the efficiency of the use of extraction and loading equipment and haulers, which ultimately reduces the need for transport equipment and improves the efficiency of the mining as a whole during the industrial minerals mining for the production of aggregates.

Keywords: industrial mineral deposits, quarries, haul trucks, mobile crushing and screening plants.


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