
Current conditions of subsoil use in the mining industry of Ukraine

B. Sobko1, O. Lozhnikov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:16-26


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Purpose. To conduct an analysis and determine the peculiarities of subsoil use in the conditions of the current state of the mining industry of Ukraine.

Research methodology. Analytical and statistical methods were applied during the research in the modern conditions of relations between subsoil users and state institutions at the mining deposits of mineral resources.

The results. The work examines the peculiarities of the modern state of subsoil use, the order, sequence and terms of issuing and obtaining permits for the development of mineral deposits. It has been established that the country still lacks a regulatory and regulated "integrity" of the procedure for the emergence of a practical possibility for a business entity to realize its right to develop a deposit. After obtaining a special permit for the use of subsoil, mining enterprises must obtain a whole series of permit documentation at least over several years. It was determined that in the process of working out the deposits, the enterprises of the mining industry of Ukraine constantly face problems related to the imperfection and frequent changes of the current legislation. Today, it is necessary to establish at the legislative level a specific list of necessary documents, an algorithm of actions and a period during which, after obtaining a special permit for the use of mineral deposit, state bodies are obliged to issue the remaining necessary permit documents, which would contribute to the solution of the above-mentioned problematic issues. It was determined that for the effective and sustainable operation of mining enterprises, it is important to settle the issues at the legislative level: - overcoming the problem of "dormant licenses"; - introduction of international stock assessment (SPE-PRMS, JORC); - abolition of the institution of mining claim territories (a mining claim does not solve any issues, it simply duplicates the functions of a special permit for the use of mineral deposits and a project of deposit mining); - to develop and adopt a new Code on the Subsoil of Ukraine.

Scientific novelty. Consists in establishing the peculiarities of subsoil use in the conditions of the modern state of the mining industry of Ukraine, determining the order, sequence and term of issuing and obtaining permits for the development of mineral deposits.

Practical value. The results of the research made it possible to determine the algorithm for the registration, approval and approval of permit documents for the development of mineral deposits, starting with a special permit for the use of subsoil; the procedure for obtaining a mining right-of-way certificate; registration of title documents for land plots for the mining of mineral deposits; development of the construction and operation project of the mining enterprise, its examination and approval by the relevant state institutions.

Keywords: mineral deposits, subsoil use special permit, mining concession, subsoil user.

Перелік посилань

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