
Development of ideas about the mechanism of coal-overlaying formation displacement in terms of its influence on local gas-drainage parameters in the Western Donbas conditions

V. Bondarenko1, I. Salieiev2, I. Kovalevska1, H. Symanovych1, M. Shyshov2, O. Malova1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 LLC “DTEK Energy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:27-39


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Purpose. The research purpose is to study the mechanism of the influence of geomechanical-technological factors on the location parameters of the gas-drainage wells behind the longwall face in the area of stope operations under the conditions of weakly metamorphosed rocks.

Research methodology. An integrated approach is used, including an analysis of existing research on the gas release patterns in the mine workings of extraction sites and local gas-drainage parameters, analysis of geomechanical processes, development of schemes for modeling by the finite element method, substantiation of methodological approaches for conducting experimental research into the rock pressure manifestations in extraction working, taking into account existing tendencies of the influence of stoping face advance velocity.

Research resultsThe views on the mechanism of the stratified mass texture transformations of weak rocks have been developed during the study of the optimal extraction site gas-drainage parameters. The deformation development schemes have been constructed for any layer of the main roof behind the area of longwall face conjugation with the extraction working, displacement of coal-overlaying formation rocks along and across the extraction site with the location of gas-drainage wells. Based on the conducted research, recommendations on the rational location of gas-drainage wells have been obtained.

Scientific novelty. The main characteristics of the weakly metamorphosed rock displacement process in the area of stope operations are studied in a spatial formulation, and the mechanism of the influence of geomechanical-technological factors on the expedient location parameters of gas-drainage wells behind the longwall face is represented on the relevant schemes.

Practical value. The reliability of the proposed location parameters for gas-drainage wells behind the longwall face in the conditions of weakly metamorphosed rocks of the Western Donbas has been analyzed, taking into account the stoping face advance increased velocities.The conclusions drawn on the basis of rock displacement tendencies in the coal-overlaying formation are summarized in the schemes for identifying the mechanism of rock mass deformation near the area of stope operations.

Keywords: rock mass, stope operations, gas-drainage wells, stoping face advancevelocity, parameters.


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