
Analysis of the use of composite materials for further application in the support of mine workings

I. Sheka1, I. Salieiev2, M. Shyshov2, O. Malova1, V. Pochepov1, O. Mamaikin1

Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

LLC “DTEK Energy”, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:62-76


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PurposeTo analyze composite materials and prospects of their use for roof support in coal mines.

Research methodologyTo achieve this purpose, we used analytical data on the market of composite materials, the volume of their production capacity, and cost indicators. Data on the physical and mechanical properties of composite materials and their quantitative indicators were used.

Research results. The areas of application of composite materials in industry are analyzed and summarized. The analysis shows that composite materials are used in many areas of industry: medicine, construction, defense, etc. A comparative analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of carbon fiber-reinforced plasticand steel shows that this composite material has identical (and sometimes even better) properties than metal materials. The study concluded that it is better to use carbon fiber as a support material for mine workings in coal mines. The advantages and disadvantages of carbon fiber-reinforced plasticas a roofing material for coal mine workings are evaluated. It is clarified that the current limiting factor is the cost of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, but over time, their price will decrease and their demand will increase. It is concluded that the use of this composite material in the elements of mine support can increase the pace of their implementation, reduce the labor intensity of the work performed and improve the working conditions of miners while lightening the structure.

Scientific novelty. The physical and mechanical properties of composite materials have been analytically determined and it has been substantiated that carbon fiber-reinforced plasticsupports can be used in the support of preparatory workings in coal mines.

Practical value. The obtained results prove that the support made of carbon fiber-reinforced plasticwill facilitate the design of the support, which, together with the acceleration of the shift operation, will contribute to the development of underground coal mining.

Keywords: carbon fiber-reinforced plastic, mine workings, composite material, support, stress-strain state, physical and mechanical properties.


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