
Technology of combined fixing of preparatory products for efficient use of suspended monorail roads

L. Shyrin1, А. Herasymenko1, O. Koptovets1, S. Felonenko1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:77-86


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Purpose. Justification of the parameters and design of the system of combined fastening of the monorail pond of the suspended monorail roads in formation underground workings to reduce dynamic loads on the elements of the arch fastening and the mining massif during the delivery of large-tonnage loads and equipment to preparatory pits and assembly chambers.

The methods. The recommended method of substantiating the technological schemes of auxiliary transport, focused on the use of multifunctional mining equipment of the new generation, adapted to the modern conditions of performing assembly and dismantling works and preparing new mining pillars for cleaning extraction, which is based on the modeling of the parameters of the interaction of the rolling stock of suspended monorail roads with arch fastening elements and side rocks during transportation of large-tonnage cargoes.

Findings. According to the results of research into the operational parameters of suspended monorail roads as part of a highly adaptive transport and technological system for the delivery of large-tonnage cargo, it was established that to reduce dynamic loads on the elements of the arch fastening and the mining massif in the specific conditions of the mines of Western Donbass, the most promising option is the two-level anchor fastening of the monorail stand and preparatory product.

The originality. Innovative technical solutions to increase the operational reliability of the arch attachment during the transportation of large-tonnage loads and reduce dynamic loads on the mining massif by redistributing them to adjacent links of the monorail pond and modernizing the transport and technological system are substantiated.

Practical implementation. It has been proven that during the intensification of cleaning and preparatory work, reasonable technical and technological solutions meet the requirements for the timely preparation of new mining pillars and are considered as a promising direction for improving the current schemes of auxiliary transport for the mines of the region and ensuring the operational parameters of mining transport equipment of a high technical level in the specific conditions of the mines of the Western Donbass.

Keywords: anchor fastening, heavy-tonnage cargo, two-level frame-anchor fastening, diesel locomotive, auxiliary transport, preparation of excavation pillars, lifting and transport subsystem, weakly metamorphosed rocks.


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