
Features of development of the collection stone' current market

S. Shevchenko1, D. Yastrebov1, M. Sak1, A. Moskalenko1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:115-132


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Purpose. On the basis of open sources of information, perform an analysis of the factors that led to an increase in the demand for collectible mineral specimens, identify the current popular trends in this market, show the potential of Ukraine in this field.

The methods. The work uses general scientific research methods - empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation).

Findings. The main factors that led to the current increase in demand for collectible stones are highlighted, including the development of information technologies, the Internet, and social networks. Popular trends are identified and their connection with investment activities is shown, in particular such areas as museum and exhibition activities, cryptocurrencies, NFT technologies. A preliminary analysis of the availability and distribution of specimens of collection stones of Ukraine in modern museum collections of the world was performed, examples of the use of collection samples from the deposits of Ukraine as raw materials by the world's leading carvers are given, such a phenomenon as the activity of hunters, including at well-known domestic geological sites, is highlighted.

The originality. The market for collectible mineral specimens is shown to be a powerful segment of the global gems market with annual sales of over $1 billion. Its capitalization continues to increase thanks to the artistic reinterpretation of these unique works of nature, the collections of which are now considered as alternative investments with the value of individual specimens at the level of 500 million dollars. The discovery of new mineral deposits, the emergence of a new class of collectors, as well as the development of cryptocurrencies justify the further development of collectible specimens’ market.

Practical implementation. Examples of the commercialization of collectible specimens with the application of NFT technologies to them or to their digital images are given, usingof images of the specimens in modern art is shown on specific works of domestic and foreign artists and graphic products. Modern approaches to the formation of museum collections in the world's leading museums, the principles of philanthropy and aspects of attracting patrons, as well as the experience of attracting a wide range of visitors, which should also be applied to domestic state and university museum collections, are shown.

Keywords: collectible stones, crystals, minerals, museums, hunters, tokenization.


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