
Analysis of the operation of the electrical current supply scheme to two cables of a multilayer wire rope

I. Belmas1,O.Bilous1,G.Tancura1,A.Shvachka1

1Dniprovskiy State Technical University, Kamyanske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:133-143


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Purpose. Regular inspection of cables on cable-stayed bridges is key to ensuring the safety of people's lives. However, the detection signals are usually complicated by the interwoven structures of the ropes, which cause the rope defect signal and the strand signal to be mixed. To ensure the working capacity of the wire rope, it is necessary to regularly check the integrity of the cables.

Research methodology. Analytical methods of observations and mathematical and statistical data processing are used in the work; system analysis when developing criteria for assessing the actual technical condition of wire ropes; the method of mathematical modeling in the development of prognostic models of cable breaks.

Research results. The paper analyzes the cable rope control system when changing the parameters of the lengths of the electric current applied to two cables, and shows the nature of the distribution when the number of the damaged cable is changed to another. The obtained results demonstrate the necessity of using this method of input, because the system clearly works in different cases.

Scientific novelty. The automatic cable break detection system with the function of determining the place of damage allows in automatic mode during the operation of a lifting machine equipped with a flat rubber rope to monitor the technical condition of the cables vulcanized in a rubber shell and to stop the machine in the event of a break of any cable.

The change in the electric voltage between the ends of the twisted cable depends on the length of the rope as follows: with a rope length of 10 m - the potential difference does not exceed 7V, and at 100 m - 106, at 300 m - 1015 proportionally depends on the square root and the product of the electrical resistance of the cable and the specific conductivity of rubber layers of rope.

Practical value. The introduction of an automatic control system will make it possible to quickly make decisions aimed at eliminating damage to flat single-layer and cable-stayed multi-layer ropes, stop the "development" of damage, reduce time spent on restoring the working condition of the lifting machine, and most importantly - increase its reliability and safety of operation.

Keywords: wire rope, precipice, diagnostics, ropes, electrical resistance.


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