
Using applied program packages in determining optimum cutting modes

O. Bohdanov1, V. Grigorenko1

Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:194-201


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Purpose. Comparison of the functionality of application program packages when determining optimal cutting modes during mechanical processing. Creation of a mathematical model with technological limitations when boring a shaft in one pass and carrying out calculations.

The methods. Research methods were based on the principles of optimization of cutting processes, the theory of cutting and cutting tools, standard methods of determining correction factors were used when creating technological limitations. The smallest machine processing time is chosen as the objective function. Using the functionality of the mathematical package Mathcad and the "Turning optimization" program.

Findings. The created mathematical model of turning optimization sufficiently fully describes the machining process. The difference between calculations by two methods is no more than 10%. The functionality of the application programs is enough to determine the optimal parameters of the cutting modes - the number of revolutions of the machine spindle and feed. In addition, when using the Mathcad package, it is possible to add or remove technological constraints. Without a suitable database of correction factors, the search and calculation process is complicated. On the other hand, the "Turning optimization" program works in automatic mode, you only need to enter the initial data. But it is impossible to change the technological limitations, the insufficient number of standard materials of cutting tools and parts.

The originality. A mathematical model of optimization of cutting modes when boring a shaft to a pass with corresponding technological limitations was created and investigated. A comparison of application program packages was carried out when determining the optimal cutting modes. Advantages and disadvantages of application programs are defined.

Practical implementation. The proposed mathematical model of optimization of cutting modes during turning allows to determine the optimal parameters of the number of revolutions and feed of the machine. Its use will greatly facilitate calculations carried out by designer-technologists when designing technological routes for processing parts and calculating cutting modes. This will significantly reduce production preparation time, especially when using CNC machines.

Keywords: optimization of cutting modes, optimization criteria, cutting modes, optimal parameters, technological limitations.


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