
Acid systems usage for inflow intensification technologies experimental justification

O. Aheicheva1

National University Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic, Poltava, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:239-248


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Purpose. Research and experimentally substantiate the use of acid systems for inflow intensification technologies. To study the peculiarities of the mechanisms and methods of restoration of the near-outbreak zone of the reservoir.

The methods. 1. Diagnosis of the causes of deterioration. 2. Selection of appropriate reagents for processing. 3. Selection of the method of delivery of the agent into the reservoir (design). 4. Modeling (calculation). 5. Prediction of the final productivity of the well.

Findings. There are some physical means of diverting the injected acid composition for selective treatment, which include: the use of rubber-coated balls added to the injected fluid composition to plug the receiving holes, and the use of packers that isolate the zone necessary for cleaning during operation from the rest of the wellbore. Mechanical methods of selective cleaning differ from others in that they completely cover non-target intervals, directing the entire flow of the reagent to the open area.

The originality. Increasing the effectiveness of the influence of hydrochloric acid solutions on the near-cut zone of wells is one of the factors in the effective development of oil deposits in carbonate reservoirs. To solve this problem, geological and technological justification of the choice of wells and technological parameters of influence in specific geological conditions of the deposits is necessary.

Practical implementation. A significant number of technologies proposed today for the intensification of the subsurface zone with hydrochloric acid indicate a great variety of productive layers in terms of their occurrence, geological-physical and physico-chemical properties of reservoir rocks and fluids that saturate them, differences in development technology that must be taken into account when influencing increasing its efficiency. Acid treatment is one of the traditional and generally accepted methods of restoring by dissolving the rock and the subsequent formation of highly permeable channels. In order to maximize the effect of the treatment, the active part of the composition (acid) should be redistributed to evenly treat all clogged areas, and the entire composition after working out should be easily removed at the stage of washing and development after the operation.

Keywords: production, productivity, oil and gas technologies, well operation, acid systems.


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