
Drilling mechanical hydrogen extraction at mining enterprises of Ukraine

O. Davydenko1, R Ahaiev2, S. Shypunov1, V. Yavorska1, M. Kononov1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named by N. Poljakov of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:249-258


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Purpose. Increasing the technical and economic indicators of well mechanohydraulic production due to the selection of the type and optimal formulation of drilling flushing fluids. In today's conditions, the lack of energy carriers requires involving a wider range of natural phenomena in energy production, looking for reliable ways and methods of increasing the efficiency of production. The use of energy also forces the introduction of resource-saving, environmentally safe geotechnologies in the energy-intensive technological processes of mining, transportation, crushing and beneficiation of minerals in the conditions of powerful mining enterprises of Ukraine.

The methods. The study of the features of the creation and implementation of a progressive complex hydraulic program for the construction of wells was carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental research, in particular by using general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods of processing research results in the environment of МАТHCAD, control and measuring devices and materials.

Findings. Development and operational implementation of justified resource-saving ecologically safe geotechnologies and environmental protection strategies. Flushing fluid treated with direct current can be used to increase the technical and economic indicators of the well drilling process.

The originality. Dependencies have been established that describe the process of formation under the influence of a rock-destructive tool of individual rock particles that are exposed to the action of the boundary layer, and others that fall into the zone of action of the laminar sublayer. A dependency has been established that describes the process of leaving parts of the sludge that are not carried away by the flow of washing liquid, which, in turn, leads to its further grinding and increased wear of the rock-crushing tool.

Practical implementation. Data were obtained on the adsorption reduction of hardness, which is a consequence of the increase in the affinity of the collapsing rock to the washing liquid. This is reflected in the intensive binding of water (hydrate) shells on the inner surface of microcracks or in their mouths. The parameters for improving the efficiency of iron ore extraction in the conditions of deposits of Ukraine are given and substantiated, in particular, a careful approach to the process of regulating the pH level of cleaning agents, taking into account the geological and technical conditions of drilling operations and the intended purpose of wells

Keywords: problems of iron ore extraction, borehole mechanohydraulic mining, separation of particles from the hole, movement of washing fluid along the hole, drilling washing fluids and their functions, the influence of electric current on the technological properties of the washing fluid. 


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