
Assessment of the efficiency methods and means of mine degasation projects of methane coal deposits

R. Yehorchenko1, O. Koptovets1, E. Fedorenko1, S. Felonenko1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 72:259-269


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PurposeThe formation of a methodological approach to the evaluation of the effectiveness of gas release management methods in the development of methane coal seams and the design of mine degassing systems.

Research methodology. Qualitative and quantitative indicators of the influence of the mine environment on the economic parameters of the methods of degassing of methane coal seams and the establishment of the efficiency of the existing degassing systems were considered.Analysis and synthesis of operational indicators of extracting, removal and utilization of mine methane used in the coal industry and the results of studies of the effectiveness of mine degassing systems, allowing to highlight the main economic effects characterizing the degassing of coal mines.

FindingsAccording to the results of the assessment of modern trends in determining the economic efficiency of degassing of highly loaded beds, it was established that fundamentally new approaches are being implemented in foreign practice for the selection of innovative means of degassing of coal mines due to which it is possible to achieve an economic effect and reduce the costs of degassing. It was also established that electricity savings during the operation of degassing plants can be obtained by increasing the tightness of the vacuum gas pipelines of the degassing network.

Originality .A theoretically grounded methodology for determining the technical and economic indicators of degassing of methane coal seams due to the modernization of existing mine degassing systems.The methodology for calculating the economic efficiency of degassing systems has been developed, taking into account the side effect of increasing the tightness of the vacuum gas pipelines of the degassing network.

Practical meaning. The methodology for evaluating the technical and economic indicators of the existing degassing systems has been developed. The practical application of the results of the study is to improve the methodology for determining the economic effect of degassing of methane coal mines of Ukraine.

Keywords: degassing, underground vacuum gas pipeline, methane-air mixture, monitoring, throughput, vacuum pumping station.


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