
Method of forecasting quality indicators of coal within the mining area

V. Russkikh1, V. Sulaiev1

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:45-55


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Purpose. Increasing the reliability of forecasting quality indicators of mined coal depending on the mining and geological conditions of its occurrence.

The methods. Applied analytical and calculation methods of research, in particular simulations-not modeling, methods of statistical analysis. The Auto-Cad automated design and drawing system was used to create a three-dimensional model of the explored part of the reservoir, and the Google Collaboratory virtual computer laboratory with additional libraries was used to calculate mathematical dependencies.

Findings. A methodology for determining the operational ash content of mined coal has been developed, taking into account the change in the hypsometry of the formation, its geological capacity, and the parent ash content of the coal. A regression analysis of the mining and geological parameters of the stratum c42 of the Samarska mine of PJSC DTEK Pavlogradvu-hill was carried out, as a result of which mathematical and simulation models of its stratum were created. A heatmap diagram of changes in operational ash content within its boundaries was constructed for a specific mining pillar. It was established that at the beginning of the development of the pillar, coal with an operational ash content of 25-27% will be mined and will gradually decrease to 21%. The average ash content within the excavation column is 24%. The reserves of coal that will be produced during the development of the pillar and the volumes of cut waste rock have been determined.

The originality. A methodology for determining quality indicators is proposed depending on the mining and geological parameters of the deposit and the technological parameters of its development. The dependence of the operational ash content of the coal seam being developed on the parameters of its occurrence and parent ash content has been established.

Practical implementation. The developed technique allows to quickly determine the quality indicators of coal and the parameters of its occurrence at various points of the mining pillar, which ensures the validity of technological and technical decisions related to its development.

Keywords: ash content, three-dimensional model, regression analysis, notched pillar.


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