
Analysis of hydrogen production technologies and prospects of their development in Ukraine

P. Saik1, D. Yankin1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:56-67


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Purpose. Systemize domestic and global experience in the implementation of hydrogen energy technologies and assess the possibility of their implementation in the development of solid fossil fuels with substantiation of the stages and quantitative indicators of hydrogen production.

Methods. To achieve the purpose of the work, the authors, based on the analysis of peer-reviewed research literature, summarized the existing technologies of hydrogen energy, and substantiated the methodological toolkit for further research.

Results. Based on the domestic and foreign experience of hydrogen production based on fossil fuels, in particular coal, the possibility of further development of the country's fuel and power complex was assessed. The efficiency of global hydrogen production is estimated. The main areas of hydrogen energy technologies improvement are highlighted: disadvantages and advantages. Quantitative indicators of hydrogen production at gasification technology are given and analyzed. It is noted that the cost of the obtained hydrogen is the lowest with coal gasification technologies ($1.63/kg) and biomass ($1.77/kg), and the highest with water electrolysis using non-traditional energy sources: solar – $5.78/kg and wind – $5.89/kg.

Originality. Сonsists in the systematization and scientific validity of hydrogen production technologies implementation. The main regularities that allow to characterize the efficiency of the hydrogen technologies implementation are highlighted. In particular, due attention is paid to the study of the combustible gases release (СО, H2, СН4) and ballast gas СО2 depending on the temperature regime of the selected hydrogen production technology.

Practical implication. The vectors of the development of the leading energy industry are evaluated. Obtained data on the application of technologies for obtaining water based on solid types of fossil fuels, in particular hard coal. This allows for choosing the optimal direction of their implementation. Technological processes for obtaining hydrogen are described, depending on the raw material and the method of obtaining it. It is proposed to use underground gasification as a promising direction for hydrogen production.

Keywords: hydrogen, hydrogen energy, natural gas, electrolysis, biomass, underground gasification, coal.


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