
Analysis and regularities of gemstone distribution in the tectonic structures of Ukraine

S. Shevchenko1

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:76-93


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Purpose. On the basis of open sources of information, perform an analysis and establish the regularities of gemstones distribution in the tectonic structures of Ukraine for expansion and sustainable development of mineral-resource base of the state.

The methods. The work uses general scientific research methods – empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, comparison, explanation), as well as the method of gemmological evaluation of rough gemstones and predictive methods of determining the value of gemstones.

Findings. The geological position and gemmological criteria of the quality of gemstone varieties of the main tectonic structures are considered: the Ukrainian Crystalline Shield, the Volyn-Podilsky Plate, the Dnieper-Donetsk Depression, as well as the Crimean and Carpathian Folded Systems. The most promising tectonic structures and investment-attractive types of gemstones for the relevant regions of the country have been determined. The analysis of formation features for mineral-resource base of gemstones of Ukraine was performed.

The originality. For the first time, a regularity in the distribution of deposits and occurrences of gemstones in the tectonic structures of Ukraine was revealed. A classification of gemsstone objects has been developed, which defines the principles of economic efficiency of the involvement of gemstone resources in the economic turnover. It is shown for the first time that the expansion and sustainable development of gemstone mineral-resources base of Ukraine is based on the principle of the sequence of study of deposits and occurrences. Accounting for the results of the influence of four factors - geological, gemmological, mining and technological – gives a total effect, which is expressed in the optimization of value indicators.

Practical implementation. The results of the study can be used in the planning and implementation of economic works for the development of deposits and occurrences of coloured and collectible stones of Ukraine, in particular mineral deposits, where the extraction of these resources can be carried out along the way. The preparation of scientific works and methodical developments on the issues of the gemstone mineral-resource base of Ukraine can also be based on the materials of this work.

Keywords: deposits and occurrences of gemstones, quality assessment, precious and semi-precious stones, tectonic structures, mineral-resource base, forecast value.


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