
Stress state of rubber-cable tractive element with broken structure and considering nonlinear dependency of rubber shell deformation

I. Belmas1, D. Kolosov2, S. Onyshchenko2, O. Bilous1, H. Tantsura1, P. Chernysh2

1Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:104-112


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Purpose. Establishment of dependencies of a stress-strain state in a rubber-cable tractive element with a broken structure considering a nonlinear dependency of shear modulus on rubber shell deformations.

Research methodology. Construction by methods of the theory of composite materials and analytical solution of a rubber-cable rope model with a broken structure and a rubber shear modulus nonlinearly dependent on deformations.

Findings. Analytical dependencies are constructed that allow determining the indicators of a stress-strain state in a rubber-cable rope with a broken structure and a rubber shear modulus depending on rubber deformation. An algorithm for determining a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable rope with a broken structure and a rubber shear modulus dependent on deformation of elastic layers is formulated. A mechanism for changing a stress-strain state of a rubber-cable rope is established, taking into account the nonlinear deformation-dependent shear modulus of rubber. The obtained expressions make it possible to determine the internal loading forces on cables and their displacements, which allow calculating tangential stresses in the elastic shell material located between the cables, which are directly proportional to the tangent of the angle of its displacement.

Scientific novelty. The character of change for parameters of a stress-strain state in a rubber-cable rope with a broken structure considering a nonlinear dependency of shear modulus on rubber shell deformations is determined.

Practical significance. Taking into account a non-linearly dependent shear modulus of rubber makes it possible to specify the dependencies of main parameters of a stress-strain state of rubber-cable rope and allows considering the effect of this phenomenon on rope strength, as well as to clarify the prediction of a stress state in a rope with a cable continuity breakage and to ensure a possibility of increasing the operational safety of rubber-cable ropes, in particular by using as stay ropes in capital structures.

Keywords: flat rubber-cable rope, stress-strain state, mathematical model, shear modulus of rubber, deformations of rubber shell, cable breakage, rope strength, inter-cable layer of rubber, adjacency to damage, part of modulus nonlinearity, part of local disturbances, rope stripe with damage.


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