
Influence of parameters of molding by the selective laser melting method on product quality

Z. Sazanishvili1, I. Verner1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:126-133


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Purpose. The development and application of additive technologies, which have a high rate of material utilization and significant production flexibility in the case of single and small-scale production, are relevant for solving various types of engineering problems. The final mechanical, technological and operational characteristics of products obtained by additive technologies are affected by a large number of initial parameters that can be varied in order to obtain the necessary properties of the material. The purpose of this work is to study the influence of the parameters of shape formation by the method of selective laser melting, in particular the scanning plan, on the quality of the material and the productivity of production.

The methods. To achieve the goal, studies of the microstructure of products obtained by different scanning plans were carried out using optical microscopy, during which the shape of a single track, as well as the structure of the material in different directions of the laser beam, were analyzed.

Findings. The effect of particle size, the mechanism of formation of a metal product during selective laser melting is analyzed. The influence of the scanning plan on the porosity, strength, and productivity of manufacturing by the method of selective laser melting is shown. The correct choice of technological parameters, such as the power and speed of the laser beam, the thickness of the metal powder layer, the scanning step between two adjacent single tracks, ensures the minimization of the number and size of defects (pores, cracks, shells) in the product material.

The originality. The process of metal powder melting in the process of shaping products by the method of selective laser melting is analyzed. The scheme of formation of a single track is obtained in the case of choosing different scanning schemes. A list of technological parameters, the variation of which affects the properties and quality of the product, has been formed.

Practical implementation. The use of additive technologies for the molding of products in single and small-batch production allows to reduce the time of production preparation and reduce the amount of waste. When choosing technological parameters, one should understand their dependence on the final properties of the finished product, because the method of selective laser melting allows to obtain products of different porosity, strength and other properties.

Keywords: additive technologies, powder particle size, single track, scan plan, laser beam power.


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