
Improvement of the pressure dynamics model in the mask for a powered air purifying respirator as an object of control

D. Slavynskyi1, V. Tkachov1, O. Boyko1, Y. Cheberiachko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:144-153


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Purpose. Justification of the need to improve the simulated model of the powered air-purifying respirator, substantiating the need for planning and conducting additional experiments. Determination of parameters and confirmation of the adequacy of the simulation model to the object of control  a powered air-purifying respirator.

Methodology. The research was carried out on an experimental setup by means of an active experiment. To obtain a static characteristic, a sequential increase in the control effect – the speed of rotation of the fan in steps of 200 rpm was performed, and the actual value – pressure in the respirator mask – was recorded. Based on the experimental data, a statistical characteristic was constructed and the dependence of the model amplification factor on the control influence was determined. Verification of the obtained model for adequacy to the control object was performed according to Fisher's adequacy criterion.

Findings. According to the results of the study, it was established that the static characteristic of the powered air-purifying respirator according to the channel "speed of rotation of the fan – pressure in the mask" is close to linear, and the amplification factor depends on the value of the control influence. Based on the analysis of the received data, the simulation model of the powered air-purifying respirator was improved.

Originality. It was established that the static characteristic of the powered air-purifying respirator in the defined range of control influence is non-linear and the amplification factor depends on the speed of rotation of the fan blades.

Practical value. The dependence of the amplification factor on the speed of rotation of the fan blades was determined. Adequacy of the improved simulation model to the control object is 92%. An improved simulation model of a powered air-purifying respirator allows you to perform a study of operating modes in order to determine the requirements for controlling the air supply process to the mask and further synthesis of the control system using various types of regulators.

Keywords: powered air-purifying respirator, simulation model, research, amplification factor, model quality criteria.


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