
Application of engineering measures for the stabilization of the soil slope

N. Zuievska1, L. Shaidetska1, T. Kosenko1, Z. Hutsuliak1

1 National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:187-196


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Purpose. Analysis of the  application of engineering measures to stabilize the soil slope with a building located near its edge using the Slide software package

Methodology. To achieve this goal, calculations were made to determine the coefficient of slope stability when performing various engineering measures that would stabilize the slope and, if possible, save costs. In conditions of dense urban development, measures to stabilize the slope are chosen on the basis of not only taking into account geological conditions. It is necessary to analyze architectural solutions, landscape, the presence of neighboring structures, and so on. The method of round-the-cylindrical sliding surfaces is used,  which is based on the calculation of possible sliding surfaces during displacements. The task of the calculation is to determine the stability coefficient of the slope for the most dangerous sliding surface.

The results of the study. The calculated parameters of shear stability are determined: stability margin coefficient, coordinate of the sliding surface start, sliding depth, sliding surface end coordinate. To ensure the stability of the slope or slope, it is necessary that the stability margin coefficient is greater than 1, but it must be borne in mind that, depending on the class of responsibility of the structure, the required value of the stability reserve coefficient can be in the range of 1.25 – 1.80 and is regulated by the relevant type and class of construction standards (DBN).

Scientific novelty. The possibility of predicting the behavior of natural slopes and artificial slopes in the process of their development and economic activity is obtained.

Practical value. The used method of circular-cylindrical slip surfaces involves a large amount of monotonous calculations to determine the stability coefficient for each probable slip line and therefore the use of the software package will more effectively determine the parameters of slope stability, you can solve the issue of choosing the location of structures and designing measures to protect the territory from landslide processes on the slopes.

Keywordsslope, soil strength, stability coefficient, limit equilibrium method, mathematical modeling, Slide software package.


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