
Mathematical modeling of pulsations in the drillingfluid

V. Grudz1, I. Dudych1

1 Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:197-207


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Purpose. To improve the efficiency of cleaning wells from drilled rock by using a pulsating flow of drilling fluid. to study the effect of cuttings concentration and distance from the pulse source on the parameters of its oscillations.

The methods. Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of the well flushing process, the possibility of using an uneven flow of drilling mud created by fluid pressure fluctuations at the bottom of the well mathematical modeling of fluctuations in the two-phase environment of the flow of drilling fluid with drilled rock was carried out. In order to construct a mathematical model of oscillatory vibrations, the initial and boundary conditions for solving the homogeneous wave equation of the third order are set. The solution of this equation is realized using the Fourier method. Based on the results of the analytical calculations, a program in the JavaScript environment was developed to study the effect of cuttings concentration and distance from the pulse source on the vibration parameters.

Findings. Using the developed program, the dependence of the change in the intrinsic vibration displacement of a two-phase medium on time was investigated when the cuttings concentration varies from 0 to 13 % in the drilling fluid and the distance from the pulse source varies from 1 to 1000 m. It was found that the vibration displacement in time is a sinusoidal curve with a certain period. It was found that the pulsation frequency decreases in hyperbolic dependence with distance from the pulse source due to attenuation in a two-phase medium. It was found that pulsations propagate effectively at a distance of up to 300 m from the pulse source. The effect of the cuttings concentration in the drilling fluid on the pulsation frequency is investigated.

The originality. A mathematical model of the process of rock particles removal through the annular space of the well by a pulsating flow of drilling fluid is created.

Practical implementation. Software has been developed to assess the effect of cuttings concentration and distance from the pulse source on the oscillation parameters, which will allow to evaluate and improve the process of well cleaning with a pulsating flow of drilling fluid.

Keywords: well, mathematical modeling, drilling fluid, rock, pulsations, vibration displacement, bottom hole, cuttings concentration.


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