
Critical analysis of the determining factors of environmental hazard and measures to reduce it in the system «boiler house  heat consumers – environment»

V. Kolesnik1, O. Borysovska1, І. Monjuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:218-228


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Purpose. Analysis of the determining factors of the ecological danger of urban boiler houses according to the volume of pollutant emissions and their dispersion in the city atmosphere, as well as a critical review of the existing means of saving heat and fuel resources, aimed at reducing the specified emissions and increasing the level of environmental safety of urban areas.

The methods. A critical analysis of the characteristics of urban boiler houses and their environmental hazards was carried out based on the volume of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, which were determined according to the normative calculation method, and the analysis of existing approaches to the conservation of heat and fuel resources was carried out taking into account the technologies of building insulation.

Findings. Іt is shown that, due to the large number of municipal boilers, they are the only source of urban pollution scattered throughout the city, which reduces the environmental safety of the city in proportion to rising emissions and consumption of boilers, valuable fuel resources.

The originality. For the first time it was proved that the contribution of boilers to the total background concentration of pollutants in the urban atmosphere, in particular, the content of nitrogen dioxide in the number of other oxides, is about 20%, which allows to classify all municipal boilers as a significant air pollution with industrial enterprises and motor transport.

Practical implementation. It is shown that the insulation of buildings, as a type of technology for the reconstruction of their facades, reaches 87% of all major repairs of buildings, and in the reconstruction of multi-storey residential buildings in cities with large obsolete (about 50… 100 years of operation) housing should be considered promising "Wet facades".

Keywordsecological dangers of heat supply systems, methods for determining emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, insulation of buildings.


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