
Determining the areas of contact of external surfaces and volumes of porous space of array of metallurgical slag when evaluating ecological hazard

V. Kolesnik1, Y. Buchavyi1, K. Liasov1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:229-239


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Purpose. Determination of contact areas of the outer surfaces of the metallurgical slag, as well as the volume of porous space in its array, necessary for the reliable evaluation of the emission of ecologically hazardous substances from slag into the atmospheric air and sewage with specialized GIS.

Methodology. The research methodology included the scientific substantiation of algorithms for the assessment of contact areas or volumes of porous slag space with the detail of its relief at the macro level, sufficient to determine the emission of environmentally hazardous pollutants both from the outer surface of the bulk slag into the atmosphere and from its massif.

Findings. The peculiarities of the relief of the outer surface and the volume of the porous space of the array are assembled in dump or poured as soil ballast of metallurgical slag, which affect the volume of their contact and interaction with atmospheric air and precipitation, taking into account the granulometric and porosity. landslide. The frequency of excess of the relief surface of the slag over its geometric (topological) surface is estimated. The algorithms for the installation of the volumes of the array of slag and the water of precipitation, which will fall into its porous space, forming a runoff, formalize.

Originality. It is determined that in the remote determination of the area of the outer surface of the bulk slag, including granular, it is advisable to consider it a compound or half-rures (for pieces or granules of rounded shape), or from the correct pyramids (for clumsy pieces of slag) on the macro level, and from the right pyramid (for clumsy pieces Regardless of their size, the estimated limit of the multiplicity of excess area of the relief surface over the geometric (topological) will be respectively either 2 or 1.73 at an average value of 1.86 ± 0.13. To determine the volumes of the slag and water of precipitation, which falls into its porous space, forming a blade run It is a pole-cavity in it, and accordingly determines the volume of slag, which ensures the emission of pollutants into the drain during the contact of water with the material of the slag.

Practical value. Taking into account the results of contact areas of external surfaces and volumes of porous space of array of bulk metallurgical slag will increase the accuracy of evaluation.

Keywords: environmental danger of metallurgical slag; contact surfaces of slag with atmosphere and water of precipitation; the area of the relief surface of the bulk slag; Porosity of the array of slag.


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