
Methodological provision of improving the system of location of monitoring points for atmospheric air pollution in agglomerations

P. Lomazov1, А. Pavlуchenko1, Yu. Buchavyi1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 73:240-252


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Goal. The evaluation of current atmospheric air monitoring system effectiveness in the territory of the Dnipro agglomerations and improvement methodological approaches to the placement of observation points in accordance with the current requirements of the legislation of Ukraine and the countries of the European Union in the field of environmental protection.

Research methodology. A comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the current system of assessing the level of pollution of the atmosphere of inhabited cities was carried out; statistical analysis – to evaluate the dynamics of pollutants from the emissions of industrial enterprises and vehicles; geospatial analysis – to justify the locations of additional observation posts based on cartographic data.

Research results. The dynamics of pollutants from the emissions of industrial enterprises and vehicles were evaluated. A critical analysis of the current atmospheric air monitoring system has been conducted. The location of different types of observation points for the agglomeration of Dnipro is proposed.

Scientific novelty. For the first time for the agglomeration of the Dnieper, the location of additional observation points, taking into account the location of the platforms of industrial enterprises and the volume of gross emissions of priority pollutants from the main sources of atmospheric pollution, as well as data on the number and density of the population in administrative areas of the city and characteristics etc.

Practical meaning. The approach proposed in the work will provide information on the quality of the atmospheric air both by current domestic standards and regulations and international, which will facilitate the expansion of the panel network of atmospheric air monitoring on the territory of Ukraine.

Keywords: atmospheric air monitoring, air quality index, population density, pollutants, industrial enterprises, observation post. 


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