
Aspects of the utilization for the technogenic territory of coal enterprises

R. Dychkovskyi1, V. Falshtynskyi1, A. Pererva1, M. Demydov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:19-32


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Purpose. To perform an analysis of domestic and world experience in the implementation of technologies for the utilization of man-made territories of closed coal enterprises after the completion of their operation.

Methods. To achieve the purpose, the authors, based on the analysis of scientific research literature concerning the directions of creation the production capacities after the completion of the mines functioning, proposed technologies for the formation of enterprises for the utilization of man-made territories and their further use.

Results. The expediency and regularity of creating mining energy-chemical complexes (MEChC) based on closed coal enterprises for the disposal of pollution, secondary resources and energy in man-made territories is substantiated. This will contribute to the acquisition of ecologically clean land area, the use of underground resources, as well as the production of energy and chemical products that meet the needs of the industrial market.

Originality. Consists in the systematization and scientific justification of the implementation of technologies for the use of man-made space in closed mines. The main regularities of the scientific means of studying the processes of adaptation of such processes in the mechanical preparation, processing, and energy utilization of secondary raw materials as part of the implementation of MEChCto the real conditions of the underground and surface space of the closed coal mining enterprise are highlighted.

Practical implication. Development and establishment of the main technological aspects of the formation of a mining energy-chemical complex with the provision of stable utilization of man-made and energy space of coal mines with the obtaining of usable territories, fuel, technical industrial gases, thermal and electrical energy, and chemical products.

Keywords: energy-chemical complex, mining enterprise, ecologically clean land area, curtailment of production, underground and surface complex.


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