
Influence of mineral raw material processing on the qualitative and quantitative indicators of crushed stone production

O. Cherniaiev1, O. Anisimov1, P. Saik1, V. Lozynskyi1, A. Adamchuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:69-86


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Purpose. Explore the impact of raw material processing stages on qualitative and quantitative production indicators and devise technological schemes for processing mineral raw materials to produce crushed stone products.

Methodology. The study employs theoretical analysis, information systematization, and generalization of key physical and mechanical properties of rocks suitable for construction materials. We investigate the nuances in utilizing various crushers based on productivity and input material size. Additionally, technological schemes for crushing and sorting plants are visualized using AutoCAD to obtain finished crushed stone products for concrete and asphalt mixtures.

Findings. The study revealed that the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of finished products are influenced by various factors, including the granulometric composition of the raw material, type and number of impurities, presence of vises and needle-shaped grains, number of crushing stages, screening requirements at individual stages, and the type of crushing equipment. Efficiency of the complex is contingent upon the optimization and calculations of the technological line for each specific raw material type. Performance indicators of crushing equipment types can be calculated based on productivity. Common typical technological schemes have been identified, adaptable to specific production conditions.

Originality. Optimal typical technological schemes for mineral raw material processing have been identified. These schemes are adaptable to variable productivity and quality requirements for finished products, particularly with a three-stage crushing scheme.

Practical implications. Proposed technological schemes enable continuous and cost-effective crushing, reducing power supply delays due to clogging of the feeding hole. These schemes also enhance operating conditions for lining, contributing to the prolonged service life of crushers. The application of these schemes is particularly beneficial in the active quarries of Ukraine for the extraction and processing of raw materials to produce crushed stone products.

Keywords: mineral raw materials, crushing, technological schemes, crushing and sorting plant, mobile crushing, and sorting plants.


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