
Mining waste as a base for the formation of technogenic minerals

K. Kolchev1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:87-100


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Purpose. Based on open sources of information, review the current state and storage of waste from mining, primary (concentration) and secondary processing of mineral raw materials. To provide a current system for the existence and transformation of mining waste in relation to the category of promising developments as the basis for the formation and study of the mineralogical and geochemical features of the formation or process of formation of technogenic minerals. Predict the variation in the geological and economic assessment of the massif as a newly created deposit.

The methods. The work uses general scientific research methods – empirical and theoretical (analysis, generalization, explanation).

Findings. A preliminary review of the existing types of waste from industrial sectors where mining and processing of minerals is carried out is carried out as the basis for modern mineral formation of technogenic (technical) minerals. A general modern structural diagram of the system of mineral raw materials and mining waste is presented.

The originality. The potential of the existence of technogenic minerals has been revealed.It is shown that at present, technogenic raw materials are a competitive, promising mineral resource, the use of which using innovative technologies provides not only a significant technical and economic effect, but also, along the way, an environmental effect is achieved as a natural consequence of the new level of requirements of modern production. In addition, this makes it possible to reduce the negative impact on the environment, reduce the area of alienated land for the needs of mining production, and also partly solves the problem of resource conservation.

Practical implementation. The result of the review can be used for planning and carrying out further scientific and methodological research of the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of waste from mining and processing of minerals, supergene processes occurring in technogenic massifs, expanding and deepening mineralogical research in the field of environmental mineralogy in connection with technological.

Keywords: mining waste, man-made minerals, hypergenic processes.

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