
Prospective assessment of the associated minerals complex in the Konksky and Bilozersky iron ore districts from the Middle-Dniprean mega-block of the Ukrainian shield

M. Ruzina1, O. Tereshkova1, I. Zhyltsova1, Y. Dementieva1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:101-110


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Purpose.To determine the material composition, formational types and justify the prospects for the development of metallic and non-metallic minerals complex accompanying ore occurrences and iron deposits in the Konksky and Belozersky iron ore regions of the Middle Dnieper megablock of the Ukrainian Shield.

Methods.In the process of carrying out research tasks, traditional methods of studying the material composition of minerals were used - petrographic, mineragraphic, interpretation of X-ray diffraction, thermal, and chemical analyzes were carried out. An ore formation analysis of ore occurrences of minerals accompanying iron in the Konksky and Belozersky iron ore regions was carried out.

Findings.The features of the geological structure, material composition, and the influence of secondary alterations of rocks and ores on the prospects for the ore content of associated minerals accompanying iron deposits and occurrences in the study areas are characterized. The ore formation types, the genesis of ore occurrences are substantiated, and the prospects for the integrated use of raw materials accompanying iron ore deposits in the Konksky and Belozersky regions are determined.

The originality.The systematic generalization of factual material regarding geological and ore formations in the Konkskaya and Belozerskaya greenstone structures, the substantiation of the possibility for using the results for metallogenic forecasting, in particular, hidden ore and the substantiation of the possibility of integrated use of the subsoil of the study areas.

Practical implementation is justified by the possibility of using research results in the process of exploration and development work for a complex of associated minerals within the research area. An assessment of the prospects for the use of minerals accompanying deposits of strategically important iron ore raw materials will make it possible to ensure the comprehensive use of the subsoil of iron ore areas.

Keywords: material composition, occurrence conditions, geological formations, iron ore areas, Middle Dnieper megablock, Ukrainian Shield.

Перелік посилань

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