
Performance indicators of cutting tools from extra hard materials

V. Derbaba1, V. Kozechko1, S. Patsera1, O. Voichyshen1, V. Kozechko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:133-142


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Purpose. Establishing dependencies connecting the system of indicators of the processing process with technical limitations, on the one hand, and the area of existence of the parameters of turning wear-resistant cast iron with a tool made of superhard polycrystalline materials, reflecting the technical and economic indicators of the process, on the other.

The methods. In the work, the structural-static dependence of the probability of non-destruction of the tool (composite) is proposed, which is a component of the mathematical model for calculating the parameters of the turning process.

Findings. The most characteristic failures of blades from the point of view of the operational reliability of cutting tools are extreme wear as a result of natural wear (gradual failure) and destruction (painting) of the cutting edge as a result of the manifestation of hidden defects of the tool material or exceeding permissible loads and loss of fatigue strength during wear). According to these failure criteria, the initial indicators of the durability and failure-freeness of cutting tools in the theory of cutting and the system of operation of cutting tools are the period of stability.
The efficiency of high-strength cast iron turning is inextricably linked to the wear resistance and strength of the tool materials used. The prospect of expanding the use of polycrystalline materials, taking into account boron nitride (composites), emerges from the comparison of the main performance indicators of tool materials.

The analysis and experience of using ultra-hard polycrystalline materials showed that with the same cutting depth, lower feed, and high cutting speed, composites provide the largest volume work.

The originality. The paper establishes the dependence of the parameters of the cutting tool made of superhard materials on the main parameters of the turning process of cast iron. With the use of grapho-analytical analysis, the primary influence of cutting depth on the period of stability and reliability of trouble-free operation of cutting plates made of superhard materials is substantiated.

Practical implementation. It was established that when turning cast iron, wear occurs on both the back and front surfaces of the blade. The reason for the wear of the front surface is the presence of a large amount of wear-resistant chromium carbides and the higher hardness of the chips coming off.

Keywords: wear-resistant cast irons, hard alloys, polycrystalline solid materials (composites).


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