
Study of cutting forces during turning of high-hard cast irons

V. Derbaba1, S. Patsera1, O. Bohdanov1, V. Ruban1, D. Muzychka2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dniprovsky State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:143-153


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Purpose. Research of cutting force components during machining of high-hard cast iron by special prefabricated cutters with brazed niborite and ciborite inserts. Determination of the influence of geometric characteristics of the cutting tool, cutting modes and hardness of the material being machined on the cutting forces.

The methods. The research methods were based on the fundamentals of cutting theory and cutting tools, material science properties of the tool and processed material. A research bench with special equipment was used.

Findings. The nature of the change in the components of cutting forces with depth t, feed rate S and cutting speed v was experimentally investigated. The studies have shown an excess of the resulting force in the horizontal plane Pv over the circumferential one Pz, which is the main feature of turning high-hard metals. It has been established that the main limiting factors in the wear of tool cutting inserts are the permissible levels of forces. The hardness of HB has the greatest effect on the radial force Py. Under identical turning conditions for materials with a hardness of 220 to 610 HB, the forces Pz, Py and Px increase by 1,7; 3,3 and 2,3 times, respectively. In addition to the natural increase, the ratio of cutting forces also changes. Reducing the front angle of the blade causes a deterioration in chip formation conditions and leads to an increase in all components of the cutting forces. An increase in the radius at the top of the cutter r causes an increase in the width and decrease in the thickness of the layer to be cut, as well as a decrease in the main angle in the plan φr on the radial part of the blade.

The originality. A complex dependence in the structural-stage form was obtained, which gives a clear picture of the influence of each parameter of the turning process on its performance. This dependence is a mathematical model for calculating the optimal operating and geometric parameters of the turning process of high-hard cast irons. The influence of the frontal angle γ, wear value h, and hardness of HB cast iron on the power characteristics during machining of high-hard cast irons has been studied.

Practical implementation. It has been shown that it is economically advantageous to maximize the wear of cutting inserts made of relatively expensive composites. In this case, it is necessary to use a technological system of machine-workpiece-tool of high rigidity.

Keywords: cutting theory, cutting tools, cutting forces, tool geometry, cast irons, tool materials, optimal cutting conditions.


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