
Mathematical modeling of the geomechanical stateof a manufactured rock mass under the conditionsof seismic loading

V. Tymoshchuk1, Y. Tymoshchuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:163-179


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The aim of the study is to predict the geomechanical stability of the bottom slope of the operating tailing dump PJSC ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rihunder the conditions of the main and emergency load combination.

Research methods. The geomechanical stability of the tailing dump bottom slope under seismic loading was assessed based on the results of numerical modeling of hydrodynamic and geomechanical processes using the Phase2 software package implemented on the basis of the finite element method for two-dimensional analysis of the stress-strain state of loaded rock masses.

Research results. Based on the analysis and synthesis of data on geological, hydrogeological, engineering, geological and technical conditions of the tailings slope, a predictive assessment of the hydrodynamic regime of the tailings slope was performed in accordance with the adopted scheme of its expansion and the geomechanical stability of the tailings slope under the action of the main and emergency combination of loads was determined. Based on the results of the calculations, the measures and technical solutions aimed at ensuring the normalized stability of the tailing dump are substantiated.

Scientific novelty. The dependence of the geomechanical stability of the hydraulic structure on the physical condition of the rocks stored in the tailings dump and the nature of their watering under seismic loading was established, which made it possible to substantiate measures to ensure the stability of the tailings dump's lower slope, which consist in organizing the efficient operation of individual structures and elements of the drainage system, as well as excluding the storage of rock material with reduced filtration permeability in the contour zone of the upper part of the tailings dump slope.

Practical significance. The results of the performed research form the basis for substantiating technical solutions to ensure the stability of hydraulic structures under seismic loading.

Keywords: tailing dump, enclosing structures, hydrodynamic regime, geofiltration, geomechanical stability.


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