
Issues of improving well construction processes and their environmental component

A. Pavlychenko, A. Ihnatov, I. Askerov

Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:192-203


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Purpose. Consistent analysis of complex issues of technical and technological components of the well construction cycle, taking into account the need to ensure the achievement of high technical and economic indicators while simultaneously complying with restrictive standards of environmental protection and technological safety.

Research methodology. Theoretical and laboratory studies of the features of the use of special process fluids were carried out using modern methods of analytical analysis and experimental research, in particular through the use of general principles of mathematical and physical modeling, methods for processing research results in EXCEL, MATHCAD, instrumentation and materials. The flow of downhole circulation processes was simulated on experimental stands at the training drilling site of the Dnipro University of Technology using a ZIF-650M drilling rig and a UKB-4P drilling rig, as well as corresponding drilling and auxiliary tools.

Research results. The key issues of organizing the construction cycle of wells for various purposes are considered. The features of the use of special technological fluids at different stages of the complex process of obtaining a reliable communication channel in a mountain range with a deep deposit, in the form of a well, have been studied. The essence of individual operations during flushing, securing and cementing a wellbore is analyzed. The results of studies of the technological properties of clay washing liquids treated with special chemical reagents are presented. Specific examples of approaches to ensuring the implementation of well technological operations are highlighted. The need to comply with environmental safety standards is substantiated.

Originality. According to the purpose of the research, laboratory study methods have established the existence of a correlation between the concentration of surfactants (using the example of sulfonol and ditalane) and indicators of the technological properties of drilling fluids, namely viscosity and fluid loss. These characteristics change upward or downward, corresponding to the presence or absence of a background carbon-alkaline reagent. This changes the nature of the interaction of flushing fluids with the walls of the wellbore, and its positive effect is manifested in the effect of hydrophobization and minimal impact on the environment.

Practical implications. The logical and consistent study of the influence of individual components of the flushing, cementing and cementing processes on the overall performance of well construction, presented in the work, allows us to evaluate potential directions for research to improve the development cycles of mineral deposits. The processes of the technological cycle of constructing wells for various purposes and other related works are considered on the basis of ensuring compliance with environmental protection standards.

Keywords: well, mud fluid, rock, ecology safety, well cement, bottom hole, operating cycle, chemical reagent, drill cuttings, hydrocarbons.


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