
Power consumption regulation of enterprises for reducing of the energy system peak loads

A. Rukhlov1, I. Lutsenko2, N. Rukhlova2, Ye. Koshelenko2, О. Zamkova2

1LLC "Technical University "Metinvest Polytechnic", Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:204-212


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Purpose. To propose measures for a partial solution to the problem of evening peak loads ensuring in the energy system of Ukraine by regulating the power consumption modes of industrial enterprises. This approach will reduce the level of such loads and align the power consumption profile.

The methods. The methods of operations research and analysis of technological processes are used. The operation modes of the Ukrainian operating coal mines were studied and their electrical loading diagrams, which are formed by the appropriate technological processes, were analyzed.

Findings. A comparative analysis of electrical loading diagrams of the power system and power consumption profiles of industrial facilities and the residential services was performed. The analysis showed the similarity of the electrical loading diagrams of coal mines, which is due to the typical mode of their operation, namely the presence of three work shifts (for coal mining) and one repair shift (for equipment maintenance). This creates prerequisites for the use of such enterprises as consumers-regulators of active power. As a result of which ways of "mitigation" of the problem of peak loads ensuring of the power system were proposed.

Originality. The patterns of formation of the electric loading daily profiles for coal mines, determined by the operating mode of enterprises, were established.A new approach is proposed, which consists in changing the daily operation mode of coal mines, namely, moving the repair shift to a time that coincides with the period of evening peak loads in the Ukrainianpower system.

Practical implementation. The practical value of this work lies in reducing the level of power consumption during peak loads in the power system,what is currently a very urgent problem for Ukrainian energy complex. The proposed approach allows to use the normal operation mode of a coal mine with the preservation of all necessary technological processes as an effective consumer-regulator of active load.

Keywords: electrical loading diagrams,peak loads,power consumption regulationconsumer-regulatorcoal mine, power system.


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