
Analysis of the problems of using disc brakes in the complex of long drums of mine hoists with increased rope capacity

K. Zabolotnyi1, O. Panchenko1, V. Symonenko1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:213-221


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Purpose. After analysing the current literature in the field of mine hoisting, to determine the prospects for the use of disc brakes in a complex of mine hoisting machines with increased rope capacity with a long cylindrical cutter drum. To identify the problems associated with the end runout of the sheath and an increase in the deviation angle that arise when operating drums with a long casing in order to optimise their use.

The methods. The study identifies the problems of using disc brakes in combination with long drums of increased rope capacity, as well as the associated increase in the value of the deviation angle and the length of the rope string. A computer experiment was carried out to find the dependence of the end runout of the sheath on its length under the action of a steady external pressure modelling the operation of a coiled rope, using the example of the sheath of the drum TsR-6.75×6.2/1.95.

Findings. The article considers the problem of stiffness of long drums of hoisting machines, the increase in length of which occurs due to the increase in the depth of extraction, as well as the use of disc brakes in such hoisting machines. A computer experiment has been conducted to determine the dependence of face runout on the length of the hoisting machine drum shell. Thus, with the lengthening of the shell, the end runout increases, which can interfere with the safe operation of the disc brake.

The originality. For the first time, a calculation methodology for determining the axial stiffness of long drums of mine hoists with increased rope capacity was developed and substantiated using the example of the drum of the TsR-6.75×6.2/1.95 machine with the help of the SolidWorks and MathCAD software complex. Generalisation of data on the relationship between drum length and deviation angle, which are critical for the safety and efficiency of mine hoists.

Practical implementation. The implementation of the methodology will solve the problems with the use of disc brakes in the complex of mine hoists with long cylindrical drums of increased rope capacity, namely, with the end runout of brake discs, as well as an increase in the value of the deviation angle, increasing the efficiency and safety of mine hoists. This will eliminate the need to install additional support supports when lengthening the rope string to prevent longitudinal and, as a result, transverse vibrations. Ensure more stable and safe operation of mine hoists by optimising the design and braking systems.

Keywords: mine hoisting unit, mine, external load, stiffness, cylindrical cutting drum.


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