
What engineers will Ukraine need tomorrow? Experience of Spain in the formation of the content of the training of industrial design engineers

T. Pysmenkova1, M. Martínez Torán2

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Universitat Politècnica de València, València, Spain

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:241-252


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Purpose. Identify discrepancies and propose ways to eliminate them between the needs of the Ukrainian economy reflected in the requirements of employers, and in the content of the training of industrial design engineers in Ukraine using the European experience of the Spanish school.

The methods. Using the method of analysis and synthesis, we made an analysis of the labor market and the content of the training of engineers applying for the position of industrial designer, and also studied the European experience of forming the content of the training of industrial designers.
The convergent process of forming judgments is used to find and formulate ways to eliminate discrepancies between the needs of the labor market and the content of specialist training.

Findings. The problem is that there is a need to rethink the training of industrial designers. The analysis showed the inappropriateness of the training of industrial design specialists in Ukraine within the framework of the field 02 Culture and art. Today and tomorrow, Ukrainian enterprises need specialists in the engineering profile who are educated in the society of morality and behavior, which are adequate to modern relations between man and the surrounding natural environment under the conditions of sustainable development and who are ready to take responsibility at every stage of the product life cycle and carry out business activities. Therefore, the content of preparation of educational programs should take into account all the needs of the Ukrainian economy.
In order to recognize Ukrainian specialists as full members of European society, it is also necessary to take into account the experience of European countries.

The originality. Using the convergent process of forming judgments, the peculiarities of the formation of OPs for the training of engineers in industrial design were revealed. The identified features are reflected in the proposed list of competencies of the educational program for training engineers in industrial design, which take into account the needs of the Ukrainian economy and the experience of the Spanish school of industrial design, which has incorporated the best English and European practices.

Practical implementation. The proposed list of competencies will allow the formation of educational training programs that are relevant for today.

Keywords: industrial designer, labor market, educational training program, European experience, Spain.


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