
Stress-strain state of a multi-layerstay rope with a cable breakage in cross-section of connection to structure

D. Kolosov1, O. Dolgov1, S. Onyshchenko1, O. Bilous2, H. Tantsura2

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

2 Dniprovsk State Technical University, Kamianske, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 74:288-295


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Purpose. Development of a calculation method for a stress-strain state of a multi-layer stay rope with a damaged cable in a cross-section of connection to a structure.

Methods. Solution of a well-known model of interaction of parallel cables connected through an elastic material for a case of continuity breakage of one cable in a cross-section of connection to a structure. The calculation method is analytical and based on principles of mechanics of an elastic body. The obtained results, within the limits of linear formulation, can be considered sufficiently reliable.

Findings. A calculation method for a stress-strain state of a multi-layer stay rope with a damaged cable is developed. It is established that continuity breakage of one cable leads to a significant change in internal loads on just the cables adjacent to the damaged one. Larger changes in the maximum cable loads occur in a case of continuity breakage of the corner cable, the smallest changes occur in a case of breakage in the central cable. Characters of a dependency of cable load coefficients on their number in a rope with a damaged corner and central cable coincide qualitatively.The condition of strength for a multi-layered stay rope with a damaged cable is formulated. A dependency of maximum load coefficients of stay rope cables with a damaged central and corner cable on a number of layers of cables and cables in layers is established.

Originality. An analytical algorithm for calculating a stress-strain state of a multi-layer tractive element with comprehensive consideration of its design, mechanical properties of its components with a damaged arbitrary cable is developed.

Practical significance. The developed method makes it possible to evaluate the influenceof arbitrary cable breakageon tractivecapacity of astay ropeand to considerit in the design process, which increasesreliability of acapital structure, including acable-stayed bridge. The developed method of determining the indicators of astress-strain state of a stayrope and linear formulation of the problem make it possible to determine astress state when one cable slips at aconnection deviceto astructure by proportional addition of twostressstates.

Keywords: multi-layer stay rope, stress-strain state, cable breakage, cross-section of connection to a structure.


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