
Application of GIS for analysis of environmental aspects of mineral deposits

N. Zuievska1, T. Hrebeniuk1, Y. Zuievskyi1

1 National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:7-17

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The aim of the article was to improve the method of visualization of the map of minerals with layers of occurrence of rocks using 3D modeling using a combined combination of google earth pro and the Surfer program.

Methodology used: 3D modeling of mineral deposits.

The results of the study were obtained, a visualization of the map of minerals using the geoinformation model of the deposit was created. With the help of a combination of Google Earth Pro and the Surfer program, the zone of the territorial location of minerals and layers of rock occurrence were obtained, which will optimize the mining process to achieve maximum profit with minimal damage to the environment, namely, to prevent unwanted land disturbance.

Originality. The integration of Google Earth Pro with the Surfer application has expanded the possibilities of visualization and analysis of mineral deposits. The combined use of these tools made it possible not only to obtain a detailed map of the location of resources, but also to determine volumes and identify the most valuable layers for extraction. The improved method has a significant positive impact on the environment, as it avoids unnecessary disturbance of landscapes.

Practical value. The application of the approach is the integration of geographic information systems to create a three-dimensional geological model of the deposit and a technique for visualizing the map of minerals. This makes it possible to more effectively solve the issues of mining planning and maximize the benefits for the enterprise while minimizing the man-made load and disturbance of landscapes. This approach has a significant positive impact on the environment, as it avoids unnecessary disturbance of landscapes and reduces negative environmental impacts. Keywords: minerals, geographic information systems, 3D modeling, visualization, maps, coordinates, ecology, landscape disturbance.

Keywords: minerals, geoinformation systems, 3D modeling, visualization, maps, coordinates, ecology, landscape disturbance.


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