
A virtual device for computer simulation of stresses in the area of blade-chip contact

S. Patsera1, V. Derbaba1, V. Ruban1, S. Dubrovskyi2

1Dnipro University of Technology,Dnipro, Ukraine

2«Dnipro Technological University «STEP»», Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:64-73


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PurposeIn modernconditions of training qualified specialists to work in the machine-building industry, there is a need for remote tools for stress research. that arise during the machining of mechanical engineering products. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to create a suitable virtual device.

The methods. The research method includes the analysis of known analytical dependencies, the classification of process parameters into adequate input data and functional arguments, and, finally, the construction of a digitized computational algorithm. The software implementation of the created virtual tool was carried out in the NI LabWIEV 7.1 environment. The choice of this software product is based on the following positive methodological features, such as: a powerful tool for creating graphical programs that represent virtual instruments, convenient tools for developing complex experimental stands, automation and control systems, process modeling and other tasks facing modern science, ease of use due to the graphical interface, the ability to create modular programs, support for a variety of hardware and platforms, as well as a wide range of.

Findings. The values of normal and tangential stresses in the chip-blade contact zone calculated with the help of a virtual device coincide well with the previously published data.

The originality. Considering the accepted restrictions on the intervals of the values of the parameters of the machining processes of steel 45 and steel Cr18N10T, graphs of dependence of normal and tangential stresses on the length of contact of chips with the blade are established.

Practical implementation. The created virtual device for computer modelling of stresses in the contact zone of the blade with chips has been successfully implemented in the educational process for master’s and postgraduate students in the specialty 131 Applied Mechanics.

Keywords: metal cutting, computer experiment, LabVIEW.


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