
Results of the testing of an automated control system and the application of natural gas burners

R. Stasevich1, R. Ahaiev1, O. Stasevich2

1M.S. Poliakov Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Dnipro, Ukraine

2Dniprovsky State Technical University, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:74-84


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Purpose. Testing an automated control system to improve the accuracy of calculating natural gas costs in coalfields and provide reliable information to suppliers and consumers regarding mutual settlements.

Research methods. The conditions of operation of the mine degassing system and the methods of monitoring its operational indicators for effective management of the technical condition of the object in the real conditions of the mine environment are considered. Approaches to continuous monitoring of well parameters using structural modules of the ACS of the DSH have been determined.

Findings. The DSH ACS module was implemented in the real conditions of the mine environment, which made it possible to carry out automatic monitoring of the methane-air mixture, measurement and preparation for issuing to the operational personnel the current values of pressure drops on the diaphragms, absolute pressure, temperature and volume flow of gas.

Originality. A new method of increasing the accuracy of commercial accounting of natural gas of coal deposits has been developed, which consists in constant monitoring of the technical condition of the degassing system and automated accounting of natural gas based on the «DIYA» measuring complex. The average hourly values of gas mass flow were obtained, as well as the difference between the data of the channel of the operating ASUTP KS and the channel of the "Ergomera"-126.MU controller in the complex with the "DIYA" operator station.

Practical implications. A mine experiment was conducted on monitoring and control of mine degassing gas pipelines using innovative technical solutions for the rapid and systematic delivery of information about the parameters of the mine degassing system to the dispatch service. The structure, principle of operation, methodology for calculating the consumption of natural gases and coal field gases were developed, and industrial tests of an experimental sample of the ACS of the DSH were carried out with automatic entry of results into electronic reporting journals.

Keywords: degassing, underground vacuum gas pipeline, methane-air mixture, monitoring, throughput, ACS module of DSН.


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