
Prospects for phytorecultivation of degraded lands by composite biohumus briquette

O. Kovrov1, A. Hetta1, V. Fedotov1, V. Gruntova1, A. Balaniuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:103-110


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Purpose. The study of the processing of organic waste by California worms of the Eisenia fetida species is presented, and the optimal content of the composite mix of biohumus briquettes for the needs of phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated lands is substantiated.

The methods are based on a theoretical analysis of vermiculture technologies, laboratory studies on the influence of temperature and humidity on the growth of the worm population and biohumus production; vegetation experiments using multicomponent biohumus mixtures with yellow-brown loams and seeds of wild cereals for phytorecultivation of degraded and contaminated lands.

Findings. The growth process of the biomass of the Eisenia fetida worms and the accumulation of biohumus over the time depending on the environment temperature were studied. The results of the laboratory bioindication experiments with composite briquettes consisting of biohumus, loam and seeds of wild cereals are presented. Vegetation experiments were carried out on complex multi-component mixtures to analyze the germination efficiency of seeds of wild cereals like Avena fatua and Brōmus inērmis for the purpose of technogenic lands reclamation. It was established that the optimal moisture of the biohumus substrate, at which the highest yield of vermiculture biomass was observed, is 60–70%, and the temperature range varies within 20–30°С.

The originality. It was established that the most optimal ratio of biohumus and loam in the content of composite briquettes for plant growth is 20:30 and 30:20 by mass, which makes it possible to substantiate the working mixtures of phytomeliorants for degraded lands biological reclamation technologies.

Practical implementation. The use of vermiculture products helps increase soil fertility, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers. The performed laboratory studies show the prospects of using biohumus with plant seeds in the form of composite briquettes for phytoremediation of degraded and contaminated lands.

Keywords: vermiculture, California worm Eisenia fetida, biohumus, composite briquette, wild cereals.


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