
Features of evaluation of the energy-ecological effect from the introduction of thermal modernization in urban heating networks

T. Yakovyshyna

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2023, 75:111-118


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Purpose. Analysis of the features of the practical application of well-known methods for determining the energy and environmental indicators of boiler houses in the systems of heating networks of the city "before" and "after" the introduction of thermal modernization of residential buildingsnetwork.

The methods. provides for a critical analysis of the existing methodology for determining emissions into the atmosphere from power plants and recommendations for determining the energy and environmental efficiency of thermal modernization of buildingsimplementation of thermal modernization of residential buildingsnetwork.

Findings. The analysis of the standardized methodology for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere from power plants, including urban boiler houses, showed the need for its improvement by separating from the calculated indicators of fuel consumption and emissions the share due to the implemented thermal modernization. It is recommended to supplement this methodology with the calculation of the "energy ecological index" (K) proposed in 2020.The peculiarity of the application of this index in the conditions of the boiler house, where any thermal modernization has taken place, is to select the current fuel consumption "before" and "after" its implementation, but determined at the same atmospheric temperature, for example, 0 °C, and accordingly calculate a pair of index values. The difference between them will allow you to first estimate the value of fuel conservation (savings), i.e. the energy effect of thermal modernization, and then calculate the difference between the corresponding current pairs of emission values of each pollutant, as the environmental effect of thermal modernization.

The originality consists in recommending the improvement of the standardized methodology by allocating from the determined fuel consumption and emissions the share due to the implemented thermal modernization, based on the use of a well-known energy ecological index, for the calculation of which it is necessary to select the current fuel consumption "before" and "after" thermal modernization, but determined at the same atmospheric temperature.

Practical implementation. The obtained calculated indicators are proposed to be used to determine the energy and environmental efficiency of thermal modernization in the system of a certain boiler house, including buildings as factors of environmental safety of the city territories.

Keywords: thermal modernization of buildings, methods for determining emissions of pollutants by boiler houses, energy and environmental efficiency of thermal modernization.


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