
Justification of the use of milling combines at quarries for the extraction of non-metallic minerals

B. Sobko1, M. Сhebanov1, O. Armanovskiy1, V. Kriachek1

1 Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:7–19

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Purpose. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the technology for developing deposits for the extraction of non-metallic minerals through the utilization of self-propelled milling combines.

Methodology. The research employs analytical, statistical, graphoanalytic methods, and experimental studies conducted within existing quarry conditions.

Results. An analysis of non-explosive technologies for extracting solid non-metallic minerals reveals that layer-by-layer combine mining of rocks emerges as the most prevalent and promising technology in quarries. This method distinguishes itself from other mechanical methods of preparing and developing rock mass due to its low cost and safety in mining operations.

The effectiveness of applying non-explosive layer-by-layer technology for limestone extraction using Wirtgen 2200 SM milling machines is substantiated. The study establishes that parameters determining the necessity to transition from current to cyclic technological schemes of milling combine operation include the minimum turning radius of the combine, the duration of the working cycle, and the length of the work front.

Conducted research yields a productivity dependency of milling combines on the length of the mining operations front for both the flow and shuttle work schemes. This enables the determination that a cyclic scheme is rational for front lengths ranging from 50 to 110 meters, while a flow scheme with a movable loop is suitable for front lengths exceeding 110 meters.

Originality. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the justification of rational technological schemes for developing non-metallic minerals utilizing milling combines and in establishing dependencies between changes in milling combine productivity and the length of the mining front.

Practical implementation. The findings of this study support the implementation of layered mining technology with milling combines as the primary extraction and loading equipment in the Niginsky-Verbetsky limestone deposit. This approach enhances mining operation efficiency, reduces costs, and improves the safety of limestone extraction.

Keywords: solid non-metallic mineral deposits, quarry, technological mining operation schemes, mining equipment, milling combines.


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