
Studying the change in the length of rock mass transportation when deepening a pit using steeply inclined trenches

N. Davidenko1, О. Anisimov1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:42–50

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PurposeInvestigation of the influence of overburden excavation route components on the transportation distance in open pit mining of non-metallic deposits.

MethodologyAnalysis of existing overburden stripping routes and construction of graphical dependencies of the components taking into account the increase of the exit slope due to the introduction of new types of transportation equipment.

ResultsThe analysis of stripping routes of operating non-metallic quarries has been carried out, which allowed to reveal the peculiarities of the influence of the components of the overburden excavation route on the transportation distance, when using road transport in quarries. The introduction of steep trenches with a slope of 20-45% reduces the transportation distance along the sloping route of the quarry within the range of slope change from 10 to 35% by 10-25%; and further increase in slope does not significantly affect the transportation distance. When establishing the length of transportation, when using steeply sloping exits, it is necessary to take into account that with the increase in the value of the slope should increase the size of the coefficient of route extension.

It is established that the height of ledges affects the transportation distance and the dependences of the coefficient of route development on the height of ledges at quarries are obtained.

Scientific noveltyThe indicators between the components of the highway in the quarry and the assessment of their impact on the transportation distance. The introduction of steep trenches can significantly reduce the transport distance in the open pit, while at the same time significantly increasing the impact of the components of the mine route (junction areas, slopes, turns) on the distance of rock mass transport with a gradual increase in the depth of the pits.

Practical significanceThe obtained results made it possible to establish the coefficients of the route extension and the working faces with an increase in the slope in the case of using new types of rolling stock. When justifying the route of workings, it is necessary to pay attention to the parameters of various components of the route to ensure the efficiency of transport.

Keywords: dump trucks, steep trenches, exits, slopes, route elongation factors.


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