
Study of the influence of the slope angle of the working ledge of quartz sands on the coefficient of its stability

M. Dzoba1, O. Frolov1

1National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 75:51–62

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Purpose. The purpose of the research presented in this scientific publication is to establish the regularity of the influence of the slope angle of the working ledge of quartz sands on the coefficient of its stability in the conditions of the Sykhivske field.

The methods. A comprehensive methodological approach was applied, consisting of an analysis of past research results on determining the parameters of stability of slopes, the use of comparative analysis of our data, and a graphical analytical method for establishing the relationship between the stability coefficient of the ledge and the angle of its slope.

Findings. It has been established that the nature of the change in the graphical dependencies of the stability coefficient of the ledge on the slope angle is the same for both the Rocscience Slide analysis methods and the normative method of graphical constructions (according to G.L. Fisenko). The obtained dependencies are described with a high degree of reliability by a 2nd-order polynomial. It has been proved that the normative minimum value of the stability coefficient of the working ledge, depending on the analysis method, is achieved at different slope angles. The numerical values of the stability coefficient calculated by the method of graphical constructions are higher than those of the Slide analysis method. In particular, the values of the stability coefficients are higher by 6...11% compared to their values obtained by the Bishop and Spencer methods and by 9...14% compared to the Janbu values when the slope angle is changed from 25°to 50°.

The originality. The graphical dependences of the change in the stability coefficient of the working ledge of the quartz sands of the Sykhivske deposit on the angle of its slope were obtained using the normative method of graphical constructions and methods of limit equilibrium in Rocscience Slide.

Practical implementation. The differences in the numerical values of the slope stability coefficient calculated by the method of graphical constructions with the values obtained by the Bishop, Janbu, and Spencer analysis methods in Slide software were determined. The limits of the existing errors depending on the slope angle of the ledge are indicated.

Keywords: slope stability coefficient, quarry, quartz sand, working ledge, sliding surface, shear wedge, method of graphical constructions, limit equilibrium.


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