
Analysis and improvement of the methodology for solving the braking task of open-pit rail transport

A. Romanenko1, O. Romanenko2

1Technical University "Metinvest Polytechnic" LLC,Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine

2 Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:91–107

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Purpose. Based on the existing Norms of technological design for mining enterprises with open-pit mining of mineral deposits, provide an enhanced methodology for the effective solution of braking task in industrial open-pit rail transport using the MS Excel spreadsheet; opening prospects for further study, design, and analysis of research on the movement of industrial open-pit rail transport.

The methods. The methodology for solving braking task in industrial open-pit rail transport is presented in Appendix B of the Norms of technological design for mining enterprises with open-pit mining of mineral deposits. The authors of this article provided a detailed explanation and thorough analysis of this methodology.

Findings. Asa result of the performed analysis, errors have been corrected, and an improved methodology for effective solution of the braking problem in industrial quarry railway transport has been proposed using the MS Excel spreadsheet software. Specifically, it is suggested to consider Ктип.к (coefficient characterizing the track type; if it is a fixed track, then Ктип.к = 1, if it is movable, then Ктип.к = 1.3). Additionally, automation of the search for the value of Vп (initial braking speed, km/h) for the vertical profile iг,i (slope at the i-th integration step where braking occurs, ‰) is proposed with the given value of the braking distance Lгальм .

The originality. Forthe first time, a detailed analysis of the braking calculation algorithm for railway transport, as outlined in the methodology of the current Norms of technological design for mining enterprises with open-pit mining of mineral deposits, has been conducted. Recommendations, adjustments, and corrections are provided to enhance the braking calculation algorithm for railway transport. For the first time, with corrections to the deficiencies and errors of the methodology, an improved Methodology for Solving the Braking Task of Open-Pit Rail Transport using the MS Excel spreadsheet has been proposed. It takes into account the type of track and includes automated search for the initial braking speed.

Practical implementation. The methodology presented in the article can be applied as a tool in the design and execution of research for the effective solution of braking task in industrial open-pit rail transport using the MS Excel spreadsheet.

Keywords: braking task solution, industrial open-pit rail transport, MS Excel.


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