
On methods for determining the true density of coals to predict the outburst hazard of coal seams

Ye. Rudniev1, Е. Filatieva1, V. Popovych1, М. Antoshchenko1

1Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Kyiv, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:108–114

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Purpose. To establish the expediency of determining the true density of coal using the empirical dependences given in the catalog of the collector properties of hard coal and anthracite of the Donetsk and Lviv-Volyn basins, which are obtained on the basis of statistical processing of technical analysis indicators and their compliance dr with the accuracy of the results determined by the standard method.

Methodology is based on a comparative analysis of the correspondence of the calculated values of the true density of coal for each coal seam according to empirical equations to their values, which are established by the standard method.

Findings.The established significant root mean square deviation from the averaged curve, which exceeds up to ten times the accuracy of determining the true density of coal by the standard method, excludes the practical possibility of using calculated values according to empirical equations for predicting the susceptibility of coal seams to sudden outbursts of coal and gas, as well as the management of gas release into mining operations.

The true density of coal is a strictly individual characteristic of a particular coal seams. Its reliable determination is possible only by a standard method. The averaged empirical dependences, in their basis, give only some orientation of changes in the true density of coal during metamorphic transformations of coal seams.

Originality. For the first time, on the basis of statistical processing of experimental data on coal density and indicators of technical analysis for 590 coal seams of Donbas and Lviv-Volyn basins, the inadmissibility of using calculated values according to empirical equations for predicting the susceptibility of coal seams to sudden outbursts of coal and gas was proven.

Practical implications. The research results make it possible to develop proposals for improving the regulatory framework in terms of forecasting the outbursts hazard of coal seams.

Keywords: coal, true density, standard method, outbursts hazard, coal seams, metamorphism, mining operations, regulatory framework, improvement.


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