
Analysis of the processes of dust formation and spread during the operation of a mining combine harvester in a dead-end production

Yu. Cheberyachko1, O. Mukha1, O. Shustov1, O. Bednyuk1

1Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:115–126

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Purpose. The development of a mathematical model of the process of dust formation during rock removal by the executive body of the mining combine, which allows determining the distribution of dust fractions along the cross-section and length of the mine, depending on the speed of movement of the ventilation stream, as well as the distance in the network of mines, on which different fractions are deposited dust

Research methodology. Analytical methods were used in the work - to study the processes of formation and distribution of dust during the operation of the harvester; methods of mathematical modeling - for the development of models for the distribution of carbon dust in the near-bubble space.

Research results. The mechanism of dust formation during the operation of selective action harvesters was established, which allows to evaluate the influence of dynamic characteristics of air flows in the near-excavation space on the level of dustiness of the mine atmosphere and to establish the relationship between air dustiness and the mode of operation of the combine.

A mathematical model of dust formation during the operation of the harvester was developed, which allows determining the critical parameters of the air flow that affect the characteristics of the distribution of fine dust.

The originality. A mathematical model of a formalized description of the process of formation and distribution of dust during the destruction of a mass of rocks by the executive body of the combine was developed and theoretically substantiated, which differs from the known ones in that it takes into account the phenomenon of the formation of directed air currents in the flow of mining mass due to the dynamic interaction of falling particles with air.

Practical value. The practical significance of the obtained results is that the obtained mathematical model of the process of formation and distribution of dust during the destruction of a massif of rocks by a harvester allows determining the optimal places for installing dust-catching equipment for its effective use, as well as the optimal control points for dust concentration.

Keywords: dust generation, air currents, rock chipping, working conditions, fine-dispersed dust.


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