
Analysis of inrush formation specifics of border rocks in the extraction workings and ways to increase their stability

V. Yakovenko1, V. Bondarenko2, M. Petlovanyi2, I. Kovalevska2, D. Drahun2

1PJSC “Mine Management “Pokrovske”

2Dnipro University of Technology, Dnipro, Ukraine

Coll.res.pap.nat.min.univ. 2024, 76:127–141

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Purpose. The research aims to identify and study the conditions and peculiarities of border rock inrush formation when conducting extraction workings, as well as to make promising proposals to improve extraction working stability.

Methods. To achieve the purpose set, actual mine data on rock inrushes and conditions of their occurrence during extraction workings and stope operations at PJSC “Mine Management “Pokrovske” were collected, analyzed and systematized. To determine the granulometric inrush rock composition, siltstone and sandstone samples were taken after actual roof inrushes and their lumpiness was examined using photography and image processing in a special software product.

Findings. It has been determined that the greatest intensity of inrushes is observed in zones influenced by geological faults, and the most frequent and largest in terms of geometric dimensions inrushes are characteristic of the presence of siltstones in the roof. When studying the granulometric characteristics of siltstone and sandstone as a result of the roof failure during mine workings, it has been found that, due to the nature of their fractional composition and lumpiness, the most effective method of strengthening is the polyurethane resin injection into the fractured mass. The concept of proactive injection strengthening of an unstable border rock mass at the stage of conducting extraction working has been formed to further maintain its continuity during stope operations.

Originality. The novelty consists in revealing the peculiarities and conditions of border rock inrush formation in extraction drifts during mining operations in difficult geotechnical conditions, which made it possible to substantiate injection strengthening with polyurethane resins as a promising measure to improve the extraction working stability.

Practical implications. The study of the conditions and peculiarities of the inrush formation of unstable border rocks in the extraction working is the basis for substantiation of injection strengthening technology, which, when implemented, achieves the mass continuity, eliminates technological downtime and ensures the safety of mining operations.

Keywords: inrushes, fracturing, unstable rocks, tunneling operations, stope operations, injection strengthening, polyurethane resins.


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